The Band of the South Australia Police

The Band of the South Australia Police was formed in 1884 and is the only full time band employed by the Government of South Australia

South Australia Police is an institution steeped in proud tradition, being the first Police Force in Australia, and one of the oldest in the World.

In 1884, Police Commissioner W. J. Peterswald encouraged the formation of a volunteer Brass Band from within the ranks of the Adelaide Metropolitan Foot Police. Fourteen musicians formed the Band of the South Australia Police, the first Police Band in Australia.

Today, the Band of the South Australia Police performs hundreds of community and Government events annually, and the demand grows with each passing year.

The Concert Band performs a showcase of the Band’s repertoire and actively supports many community events and charities through performances. Hospitals, Schools, Churches, Concert halls, and Community Centres are familiar venues for the Concert Band, bringing cheer and delight to the audience.

The Parade Band is synonymous with spectacular marching displays and has treated many generations of South Australians to the finest ceremonial parade music and liveliest street processions, resulting in a feeling that it’s not quite a real parade unless SAPOL Band is playing. International achievements to date include the 1990 and 2000 Edinburgh Military Tattoo, the 1998 Royal Tournament in London, the 2008 Musikschau der Nationen in Bremen, Germany. And most recently to the 2010 Basel Tattoo, Switzerland where the Band performed once again to critical acclaim. The Parade Band has also performed in most Australian major cities at Shows, Tattoos and Parades. The Band returned and performed at the 2013 Basel Tattoo, Switzerland hosted by the City of Basel and the Tattoo who fully funded their tour.

Taking their music to the schools in the form of the School Beat Band means children throughout the State have a chance to hear and enjoy a very special presentation. In a unique program, two eight piece bands tour schools and kindergartens, presenting musical instrument information and good community and safety messages tied in with a light hearted music session. In 2012 a cd was produced which incorporates a game “Triple Zero kid’s challenge” which aims to provide an interactive learning environment for students to learn which emergency service to call using the “000” phone number. The CD also includes music recorded by the SBB groups, many which feature at weekly presentations. CD’s are freely available to students at presentations after April 2012

Performing mainly at high schools throughout the State, older students enjoy the nine piece Rock Patrol. This presentation highlights the dangers present on our roads to new school aged drivers, as well as information about Cyber Bullying and Cyber Safety on forums such as Face Book, Twitter and mobile phones for teenagers.

The Big Band, Dixieland Band, Saxes and Rhythm, Kind of Blue, Off the Cuff and Funk Jazz Combo “Sons of Zorro” also perform a variety of engagements. These can be anything from community and corporate dinners, balls and concerts, as well as entertaining all age groups of the public as required.

The Band of the South Australia Police also supports a Brass Quintet, Woodwind Quintet, Clarinet Quartet, Trombone Quartet and Saxophone Quartet. These small ensembles perform widely at community, Vice Regal, Government and SAPOL functions.

The current Director of Music is Mr David Polain. Drum Major is Sergeant Adam Buckley

The Band of the South Australia Police is available to all members of the community and more information can be found at the Band’s web site at as well as contact and booking information.

The Band has produced over a dozen CD’s and these can be purchased at very reasonable prices from the Band web site or at live performances.

Government organization